Monday, August 26, 2019


*Sister Stewart LOVING her mission!
*Sister Stewart and Sister Ferrer with Shan (a sweet member who spends a ton of time with the sisters)
*There was a parade through the streets yesterday

WOW! I don't even know where to begin. OBEDIENCE BRINGS BLESSINGS!!! 
With my trainee's arrival, I was so nervous, but honestly this is the best thing ever! I've never been happier on my mission. My companion and I have tried so hard to be as obedient as possible with every little thing and the blessings have been overflowing!
We received a referral who we are so excited about! It's a set of 19 year old twins and they are so smart and ready for the Gospel. After we taught them for the first time, Sister Ferrer and I were just jumping up and down and couldn't contain our excitement!
We have made all of our goals everyday except one! This is rare haha. One of our goals is to invite 17 strangers to church each day and give them a picture of Jesus Christ. Something about this just lifts our spirits and makes us so happy.
I am roommates with Sister Doney and it is SOO FUNN!!!!! We are from the same ward in California. We have been talking about people getting their mission calls at home and are realizing how fast time flies here on the mission!!
I love you all so much and I hope you're all doing well. Let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you from over here!
Ingat po,
Sister Stewart

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