Monday, August 26, 2019


*Sister Stewart LOVING her mission!
*Sister Stewart and Sister Ferrer with Shan (a sweet member who spends a ton of time with the sisters)
*There was a parade through the streets yesterday

WOW! I don't even know where to begin. OBEDIENCE BRINGS BLESSINGS!!! 
With my trainee's arrival, I was so nervous, but honestly this is the best thing ever! I've never been happier on my mission. My companion and I have tried so hard to be as obedient as possible with every little thing and the blessings have been overflowing!
We received a referral who we are so excited about! It's a set of 19 year old twins and they are so smart and ready for the Gospel. After we taught them for the first time, Sister Ferrer and I were just jumping up and down and couldn't contain our excitement!
We have made all of our goals everyday except one! This is rare haha. One of our goals is to invite 17 strangers to church each day and give them a picture of Jesus Christ. Something about this just lifts our spirits and makes us so happy.
I am roommates with Sister Doney and it is SOO FUNN!!!!! We are from the same ward in California. We have been talking about people getting their mission calls at home and are realizing how fast time flies here on the mission!!
I love you all so much and I hope you're all doing well. Let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you from over here!
Ingat po,
Sister Stewart

Monday, August 19, 2019


*Paul Simon is a young man (seated next to her) that is deaf.  Sydney has loved teaching him, with the help of a translator


*Syd's new cow friend 

Oh no. I am afraid I have broken my promise. My emails have become boring haven't they?! Alright let's make it more interesting shall we?
What are some things you'd like to know? What makes a missionary email worth reading? Let me know!
Let me just tell you some things that happened
1. BAPTISMS!! Wooo so happy, as always. Sister Marilyn was baptized by her husband and Sister Nicole was baptized by her grandfather. The other missionaries in our branch had a baptism as well and so there were many people in white!! I love seeing that so much. It's the happiest thing. Even the baptizers because it shows that they are staying worthy to be able to do that!
2. I spoke in Sacrament meeting HA. The topic I was given was the blessings of the Word of Wisdom and I just kind of winged it.
3. TRANSFERSS!!!!! Tomorrow, Sister Buenaflor is transferring to Pasig and I have a new companion coming in. Her name is Sister Ferrer and I don't know anything about her yet. But I am her follow up trainer so we will see how that goes! I still am in need of training myself!!
4. Ate lots of fish. Dried fish, fried fish, boiled fish, you name it! Fish is a huge part of the diet here in the province. I love it so much though! My mom would literally scream and die haha she hates fish. But it's soooo delicious!!!!!!
5. Teaching and visiting people I love! Nothing is better.
Anywayyyssss life is good! I'm excited for changes and a new transfer! I love that God gives us so many opportunities to change and be better. Even new days! My challenge for you is to wake up tomorrow and try and be the best you you can be. Go knock on that one neighbor's door you've never gotten to know. If you see someone begging on the street, go talk to them. Just ask them how their day is going, what it is they like to do... it's true that they WANT something from us but probably what they NEED is someone to connect with them. I love you all and please, share with me your experiences! Be safe and be happy always :)
Sister Stewart

Monday, August 12, 2019

Tasty Chicken Feet

Hello hello everyone!! First of all, I hope y'all know how much I love you. If anyone is ever in need of extra prayers, encouraging words, or anything else I could possibly give from way over here, please shoot me an email. 
Next week is transfer week already! My goodness, the mission is so fast. I can't believe it's already my 7th month...
Things are good here. Never do I ever regret being here. I see so many lives changing and so many miracles, especially in Siniloan. This area is so rich with people ready for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I am so grateful that I get to be a part of it!
I ate some yummy chicken feet, which is very popular here in Siniloan. It's not my favorite, but that's ok! I'm pretty sure my family would die here, they're so picky!
We have two baptisms on Saturday, which is so exciting! The strongest Spirit I've felt here in the mission is at baptisms. Especially since now I see how much work it takes to help get someone to that point. There is a lot of steps and roadblocks that you just don't see unless you're the missionary or the one being baptized.
Read 1 Nephi. I think there's a big reason why that's the first part of the Book of Mormon... it really gets me hooked and I just can't seem to put it down. Something I've realized about the scriptures is that no matter what you're going through, there's almost always some story or person there that you feel like you can relate to, even if it's just a little bit.
Mahal na mahal ko po kayo! Ingat,
Sister Stewart

Monday, August 5, 2019


 *celebrity Sydney 🤣HaHa This was at a 7-11.  
She's often the subject of many selfies and photos.  
'Snow White', as they call her
 *Miralona, Catalina, and Danica's baptisms
 *another p-day, another beautiful hike to a waterfall

Write her:
Sister Sydney Stewart
Antipolo Mission Office
Ligtasan St., Brgy. San Roque
Antipolo City 1870

Email her: 

Today was another amazing week with amazing people and amazing experiences!! We got to teach the people I love with a companion I love in the place I love. Sometimes the mission is hard, sometimes really hard, but the good things are much more frequent and much more impactful! I am happy. 
Read Alma 8 :)
I hope you all have a great week! Thanks for all the love and support and prayers!!
Sister Stewart