Monday, March 9, 2020


 Edu, Lino, & Bores at church (from the factory). They get baptized this week!
 Brother Mark's baptism with his cute family
 Tatay Rufino with his wife and grandchildren (he's the one that read the BofM in 6 days)
 Sister Tampis & Sister Stewart
 Sydney's mission work is on fire and so is her hair ðŸ˜‰
A typical modeling session in their tiny apartment

Hellllllllooooo!! Everyone, I am so uneducated about everything. We only know what is told to us. Like how two months ago we thought it was World War III... and it wasn't. So, I don't know a lot about the coronavirus, but I am praying for everyone affected and I hope you are all safe and healthy back home. They confirmed a case right next to our area in Cainta, so my companion and I are doing our best to stay vigilant. We as missionaries are not allowed to touch anyone, including handshakes (and each other) which has proved to be very difficult! Especially with old people because to show respect you take the back of their hand and press it to your forehead. A couple times I have felt very rude denying people handshakes but hopefully they understand!

Brother Mark was baptized!! WOOOHOOO he's awesome! Their family can now be sealed in the temple for all eternity in one year. I am so happy for them!

Tagalog is a genius language by the way. They have words that explain things perfectly that are hard to convey in English, so I've decided to make all of your English speaking lives easier by doing a "word of the week" for you to implement in your everyday language HAHA.
Word of the Week: "kawawa" which means kind of like poor baby. It can be sarcastic or serious. Example: "she's so kawawa" 
You're welcome. ;)

Sister Stewart

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